Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Ethical Values of the Music Art of the Ancient Greeks: A Semiotic E

The Ethical Values of the Music Art of the Ancient Greeks A semiotical EssayABSTRACT Humanity requires for its satisfaction Beauty and Good, that is, love, wisdom, and courage. Put differently, the necessity of order, equilibrium, and harmony. These values ground one of the most elevated planes of the spiritual life music. Its chaste force in the education of the mind, soul, and behavior of the human person has been emphasized by the ancient Greek philosophers. This important message exists as a configuration crossing the centuries. I will try to reveal the unity ethics/ethike - music/melos by using the semiotic organon.Suggested by the very remarkable wager taken in the music in the works of the ancient Greek philosophers, our attemptXa semiotic attemptXwould succeed in getting us walking(prenominal) to the meaning of what is called the ethos of music in the civilization of ancient Greeks. The model of semiosis allows us the investigation of the sign music, in its structure, in its act and its functionality which means chat and signification. then we can identify the music-sign by dint of the expression of the senseXthe sense that is conceived as an evidence, as the feeling of comprehension, in a very natural way (1)Xand through the significance. Thus, our guidance implies sign, expression, significationXthe triad that brings together the coordinates of semiosis defined, it, by Charles S.Peirce through the cooperation of the sign, its object and its interpretant (2) and by U.Eco the process through which the empirical individuals communicate and the processes of communication become possible thanks to the systems of significance (3). This semiosis is put in evidence by different semio... ...f. Th.Reinach, La musique grecque, Payot, Paris, 1926 C.Sachs, The Rise of Music in the Ancient World, W.W.Norton & Comp. Inc. rising York, 1969. (11) Platon, Gorgias, in Opere, vol. I, Ed. Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1975. (12) Th.Reinach, op. cit., p . 158.(13) Aristotel, Politica, Ed. Cultura Nationala, Bucuresti, 1924, p. 201. (14) W.Fleming, Arte si idei, Ed.Meridiane, Bucuresti, 1983, vol. I, p. 104. (15) C.Popescu, in vol. II, Partea 2, Filosofia greaca pina la Platon, Ed.Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1979, p. 778. (16) Platon, Republica, in Opere, vol.V, Ed.Stiintifica si enciclopedica, Bucuresti, 1986, p. 190. (17) Diogenes Laertios, Despre vietile si doctrinele filosofilor, Ed.Academiei Romane, Bucuresti, 1963. (18) Ch.Morris, Signs, Language and Behaviour, New York, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1946, p. 118.

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